Sunday, August 17, 2008

CASEing myself

Just a reminder for those of you who aren't avid SCSers, CASE stands for Copy And Share Everything (and an SCSer is a person who visits and contributes to Splitcoaststampers). So when one CASEs a card, that means to copy it. Sometimes it may just be one aspect of the card like the color scheme or layout. Most of the time, for me anyway, I copy the whole thing. But when I say I'm CASEing myself, I basically copied an original idea instead of someone else's.
The decorated layer of this card started out as one of my no layer challenge card swaps. I didn't love the party hat on the monkey's head, or the sponged and then stamped word window, so Michael helped me tweek it to get my final product for the swap. But I couldn't just throw away my "rough draft," so I gave this card to our friend Matthew for his 2nd birthday.

Now as I get ready to post this, I wonder if I should have saved it for Tuesday's post just incase my camera doesn't show up. GASP! And I just realized that pictures from DJ's first day of Kindergarten are on there, which also means I haven't even shared with you all that he started school last week! I may have mentioned that he was going to start in my Tuesday post, but I had so much other stuff going on with our company coming and my open house and, I don't think I told you about this either, Michael threw his back out about three weeks ago and is still having problems with it. He is EXTREMELY helpful around the house, so I've been having to do much more than I am used to. He had to stand during the entire church service this morning, because when he sits down and tries to stand up again is when he has the most difficulty.

Anyway, so DJ had his first day of Kindergarten last Wednesday. They do a staggered enrollment during the first two weeks, which is very different to me. He only went on Wednesday of last week, and then he goes Monday, Wednesday, Friday of this week, and then the following Monday he will start going full time. It's an all-day program, which they still are not doing in Beth's area, so he's in school from 7:50am-2:50pm. He will ride the bus home. And while last year there was one bus for the whole Pre-K class, and he was on it for over 1 1/2 hours, this year he will only be on the bus for about 20 minutes, and that is with 5-6 stops ahead of him.

He had a great first day, and can't wait to start full time. He's been asking since registration day, "Do I have school tomorrow or the day after that?" I am glad he didn't have school while Beth and her family were in town, though, because that would have been difficult for everyone involved. But he is looking forward to going back tomorrow. When I picked him up after his first day, he said, "I like going to Kindergarten!" I think it will be a great year. :D

So, sorry to keep you all wondering about that. And I promise to post pictures as soon as the camera turns up. In other DJ news, he lost his first tooth while I was stuck at the SLC airport, and his second one came out last Monday, so he's a Kindergartner and a toothless wonder. Those=VERY cute pics!

Sweet wishes!

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